Saturday, February 15, 2014



Thumbtack seems pretty cool...lets see how it goes...stay tuned.

How does Thumbtack work?

Clients answer questions about their service needs. We send those leads to qualified pros.

How do I get hired?

Not hearing back? Unsure how to beat the competition? Learn how to improve your chances and get hired on Thumbtack.

It all started when I saw the first Star Wars movie. It was then that I knew what I wanted to do for life…make movies.
I love the storytelling process and creating a good story. I have done a slew of TV shows and web videos over the years for almost every imaginable subject. I am team oriented and play well with others. Everything I learned about production I learned in kindergarten.
One compliment I seem to get over and over from people is, “You make lemonade out of lemons”.  I like that. That is what I do.
I am a serial creative. I love what I do. Especially when it involves taking a project from brainstorm to completion. I love the creative process, the ideas, making the ideas come to life, and delivering the finished product. I love the chase to get the shot and I seem to always get lucky when I am shooting for the story. Then getting at it in editing to make an emotional piece that produces a reaction…
My passion is social media and the brand strategies involved in deploying content.

I like to give people more than what they expect…it’s always a great reaction and satisfying to the soul.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Rope Swing Zipline - NFL Stadium - The Fine Freeking Art of Social Content

The Latest from Devon Graham or "Supertramp" is another in a long line of brilliance and these days brilliance is most often quantified by the all knowing "VIEWS". At the time of writing this 5 days after publishing it has 1.9 million views...nothing to downplay about that even if legit views were half of that. It is another nicely shot work of art by Devon and to me art is more often set to great music too. Music and a good picture is a marriage made in heaven and on youtube heaven is "views".
 Music is by Con Bro Chill. Youtube site. This band is very interesting with sort of their own niche/genre. Between the way they look and the style of their music i am now confused about everything i hold dear. They are the coolest dorks I have ever seen.

 So if you know who Devon Graham is he is the young kid with a posse of other "young" kids who run around the globe filming "cool stuff". He has become an icon of the Youtube realm garnering  two million subscribers with his 2 channels: "Devon Graham" where all the behind the scenes videos are published and "Devinsupertramp" where all of the main videos live all of them with millions of views and one with 35 million. I am a so jealous and mad that I'm not him right now. In fact i am pissed!! Its like im the guy who didnt think of the toilet seat. Hold on...pity party...
...OK so his footage is licensed around the world and Turkish Airlines thought he was good enough to shoot this commercial with Kobe and a Turkish soccer star.

Not bad...
  What is even cooler, in my opinion, are the behind the scenes edits. maybe its becauseI'm a production dork and love the process we go through to get what we get. I love to see the camaraderie and the "gel" that exists between everyone in the crew and the rest of the "posse".
Behind the scenes...

 Rope Swing Zipline to me is another in a long line of Devon videos that captures the very essence of the way we all want to experience life, especially if we shoot it while we do it. We want to get out of the box,  jump off stuff, get whipped into stuff, and shot out of stuff and we want the world to see us do it. If we do it long enough someone pays us to do it.
 Hats off to Devin once again.